→ Johanna Pauen is a design manager with 10+ years of experience in marketing and corporate communication. Currently responsible for Marketing & Communication strategy transformation gas industry & security of supply at BDEW. Based in Berlin. → LinkedIn
→ Projects Aktion Mensch / AXA / Bankenfachverband / DAAD / GIZ / Hessnatur / Hyundai / IMG / KFA / MAN Truck & Bus / Mercedes Benz Fashion Week / Oper Köln / Sparkasse / Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / TotalEnergies / TÜV SÜD / Vattenfall / VBG / Vorwerk / Welthungerhilfe → Agency
→ Services Account Management / Art Direction / B2B-Marketing / Branding / Crossmedia Marketing / Consulting / Content Creation / Corporate Communication / CMS / CSS / Strategy / Social Media / Storytelling / PR / PM → Contact
→ Honors ADC / Astrid Awards / Berliner Type / BCM Award / Digital Communication Awards / Econ Awards / European Design Awards / Fox Awards / Galaxy Awards / German Design Awards / ICMA Awards / Mercury Excellence Awards / Red Dot → Magazine → Instagram